Leveraging Outdoor Advertising To Effect Brand Recall

The top brands are those who come to mind first when a customer is buying a product. Think trainers (Nike), phones (Apple) or fast food (McDonalds). This blog post delves into how leveraging the power of outdoor advertising can help bring your brand front of mind for your target audience.

Brand recall is when a customer is looking to purchase a product or service in your category and through advertising, marketing or word of mouth, recalls your brand and peruses your service. It denotes how many customers can remember your brand name when prompted or aided, or when unaided, such as when asked “name your favourite haircare brand.” Most businesses operate in a competitive market so brand recall is critical to achieve cut through and ensure your brand stands out. One powerful tool for achieving this is outdoor advertising and in this blog post, we’ll explore how to  leverage outdoor advertising effectively for brand recall.

Consistency – Key To Brand Recall

A sure fire way to achieve brand recall is to ensure consistency of your brand’s presentation across all platforms and touchpoints. It involves maintaining the same visual elements, messaging, tone, and customer experience. The importance of consistency cannot be overstated for several key reasons.

First, it fosters a cohesive identity. Whether it’s websites, social media or outdoor ads, presenting a consistent look and feel helps create a strong, unified identity that customers can easily recognize and remember.

Secondly, consistency meets customer expectations. When consumers interact with your brand, they anticipate the same level of quality and experience every time. This reliability is essential for building and sustaining long-term relationships with customers.

Thirdly, a consistent brand strategy aligns internal teams. When everyone from marketing to sales to customer service communicates and understands the same brand values and messages, it enhances overall efficiency and effectiveness within the organisation.

Lastly, consistency enhances brand equity. Brand equity, shaped by how consumers perceive the brand, gets stronger when brands consistently deliver their message. Strong brand equity not only leads to customer loyalty but also provides the opportunity to charge premium prices and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

The Importance of Brand Recall Through Outdoor Advertising

When customers see the same branding elements repeatedly in outdoor advertising, it reinforces their trust and confidence in the brand. According to a study by Lucidpress, consistent branding can lead to a 23% increase in revenue. Trust built through consistent exposure can translate into customer loyalty and advocacy. Stackla reveals that 86% of consumers prioritise authenticity in their decision to support and endorse brands. Consistency in your brand’s image and voice helps customers see your business as reliable and trustworthy. A consumer who trusts a brand is more likely to remember it when making purchasing decisions.

Outdoor advertising plays a significant role in boosting brand recognition. Consistent use of logos, colours, and taglines makes your brand more memorable. The American Marketing Association highlights that a cohesive brand presentation can improve visibility significantly, ensuring that your brand stands out in the minds of consumers.

Moreover, outdoor advertising provides a unique opportunity to differentiate your brand in a crowded market. Nielsen reports that outdoor advertising reaches 93% of a country’s population each week. By maintaining a consistent brand presence, you can distinguish yourself from competitors and reinforce your brand message effectively.

Strategies for Building Brand Recall Through Outdoor Advertising

To ensure all outdoor advertisements align with your brand’s visual identity, use the same colours, fonts, logos, and overall design aesthetic. For instance, Coca-Cola’s red and white colour scheme and distinctive font are globally recognized and consistently used across all marketing channels.

Developing a clear, concise message that reflects your brand’s values and stick to it across all outdoor ads. Whether it’s a tagline, slogan, or core value proposition, consistent messaging strengthens brand identity. McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” campaign is a prime example of a message that resonates consistently worldwide.

Strategically placing your outdoor ads where your target audience is most likely to encounter them ensures maximum visibility and engagement. This involves understanding the demographics and behaviours of your audience. For example, tech companies often target urban areas frequented by young professionals.

Your outdoor advertising should be part of a broader, integrated marketing strategy. Ensuring that your brand message and visual identity are consistent across all channels, including digital, print, and social media, reinforces brand consistency and maximises the impact of your advertising efforts.

Investing in high-quality, creative designs that capture attention and leave a lasting impression is crucial. Professional design and innovative creative strategies that align with your brand identity can significantly enhance brand recall. Unique, visually appealing ads are more likely to be remembered and talked about.

Regularly assessing the performance of your outdoor advertising campaigns is essential in brand recall. Use metrics such as foot traffic, sales data, and brand recognition surveys to measure effectiveness. Be prepared to adapt your strategies based on feedback and performance data to ensure ongoing brand consistency and improvement.

Real-World Examples

Nike’s outdoor advertising consistently features their iconic swoosh logo and the “Just Do It” tagline. Whether on billboards, buses, or stadiums, this consistent branding has made Nike one of the most recognizable brands globally. Or take Apple for example, who’s minimalistic design and clean, elegant aesthetic are mirrored in their outdoor ads. The consistency in visual identity across all marketing platforms has cemented Apple’s position as a premium, innovative brand.


Building brand consistency through outdoor advertising is crucial for creating a cohesive, reliable, and recognizable brand identity. By maintaining a unified visual identity, consistent messaging, strategic placement, and integrating with other channels, you can effectively leverage outdoor advertising to reinforce your brand and generate brand recall. Remember, in the realm of marketing, consistency is not just key; it’s the foundation of brand success. Through strategic and consistent outdoor advertising, your brand can build trust, recognition, and a lasting competitive edge.



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